Musasa Ruli

Fully washed
Stone fruit, lemon, marzipan
Roast degree:
Light / Light Medium
The Musasa Dukunde Kawa cooperative has three washing stations lying high in Rwanda’s rugged northwest. Ruli – the cooperative’s first washing station - was built by the co-op in 2003 with a development loan from the Rwandan government and the support of the USAID-financed PEARL project. Most of the small scale producers with whom Musasa Dukunde Kawa works own less than a quarter of a hectare of land, where they cultivate an average of only 250 - 300 coffee trees each as well as other subsistence food crops such as maize and beans. The cooperative gives these small farmers the chance to combine their harvests and process cherries centrally. Before the proliferation of washing stations such as Ruli, the norm in Rwanda was for small farmers to sell semi-processed cherries on to a middleman, and the market was dominated by a single exporter. This commodity-focused system - coupled with declining world prices in the 1990s - brought severe hardship to farmers, some of whom abandoned coffee entirely. Today, it’s a different picture. Farmers who work with Musasa Dukunde Kawa have seen their income at least double, and the co-op produces some outstanding lots for the specialty market year after year. ‘Musasa’ means ‘a place to make a bed’ and ‘Dukunde Kawa’ means ‘let’s love coffee’ in Kinyarwanda - a reference to the power of coffee to improve the lives of those in rural communities.
Blacker than Blackstar
Suited for:
Filter brews
 140 SEK
250g whole beans.
Contact us if you want the beans ground.

More information

Musasa Ruli washing station
100% Red Bourbon
Fully washed & sun dried on raised beds
Musasa Ruli washing station
100% Red Bourbon
Fully washed & sun dried on raised beds
1,700 to 2,000 metres above sea level
Musasa Dukunde Kawa Cooperative - some 2,148 smallholder farmers
Ruli & Rubyiniro
Ruli Sector, Gakenke District of Northern Province & Coko Sector, Gakenke District of Northern Province
Total size of farm:
Avg. size of farms: 0.25 hectares
Area under coffee: